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    « Lotus Root | Main | Tuesday Takeaway Winner Announced »

    September 14, 2010


    Colleen Johnson

    Since I like nutmeg my choice would the Long peppercorn.

    Jason Mottin

    My choice would be comet's tail. It seems like it would be more fitting to the foods that I choose to make and would give my dishes a bit more flair that the others.

    Mal Kebbekus

    Comet's Tail for sure! Cannot wait to try in my curry blends and as a finishing pepper on goat cheese

    Amy S.

    I've never tried white pepper before, so I'd be excited to try the Muntok White.

    Andrew L

    Bali long seems interesting. The long pepper corn seems to fly in the face of everything that I know about pepper

    Kristine V.

    Comets Tail for sure....I have not tried that but all the rest I have. They are great. I would recommend looking at their other salt collections -- A++

    Calamity Anne

    The Lampung sounds so intriguing...with the long and rich history of the plant...and the incredibly short picking season. Truly makes for a rare gem of a peppercorn!

    Juli R.

    Absolutely Comets Tail! I haven't tried it before. I have bought a few peppper brands and they are wonderful. Also, I love love love the salt collections!

    R. Scott McDonnell

    I agree with Andrew L: the Bali long is definitely the best. I love how fragrant the peppercorns are and their incredible shape. Cool nights here in New England make me want a steaming pot of hot broth with a few of these thrown in for flavor!


    Comet's Tail - interesting flavor profile!

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