Most of you have no idea that I recently moved from my home in Boston to Philadelphia (and why should you, really?). Moving has its pros and cons for sure, but one of the biggest pros is entertaining in a new space of your very own.
Andrew, my husband (wow, still getting used to that word!), and I have been busy for the past several weeks - unpacking, arranging and rearranging, establishing the perfect drawer for napkins and sugar spoons and so on and so forth. In between refinishing chairs and trying our hand at reupholstering, we've had fun cooking together. All our pots and pans are new, shiny, and begging to be cooked in. They are fresh and full of potential for exciting adventures. Kind of like our marriage actually.
This weekend in particular is very exciting because my parents are coming for their first visit. They hold the honor of being our third group of house guests ever, and therefore they deserve to be inundated with the finest gastronomic delights our small kitchen and even smaller budget can afford.
Thus I begin my mulling over a tasty menu for a summer's day. Any suggestions you readers might have, please feel free to share them with me. As they are family, I feel it should not be overly pretentious. Simplicity is key, but at the same time, they should realized they are being subtly gushed over and welcomed. In my family at least, food is how we express our love for each other. Details matter, presentation matter, and of course taste. It all says "I love you."
Homemade Pecan Waffles with Curry Sugar
Fresh Plums
French Press Coffee
Orange Juice
B.L.T Sandwich
Potato Chips
(ruffled to the proper thickness, inspected by Andrew)
Club Soda with Lime
Tomato Caprese Salad with Black Cyprus Sea Salt Flakes
Corn Chowder with Smoked Sea Salt
(Danish Viking or our new Cherry Wood? That is the real question)
Arnold Palmer rimmed with Orange Ginger Sugar
Homemade Peach Pie topped with Spiced Gold Sugar
Well, that's a good start at least. Don't be shy, suggestions are welcomed greatly.
Side note: I think it should be noted here that I strongly believe the BLT to quite possibly be the perfect sandwich. I've tried to think of ways to play with or reinvent it, but every time that thought even begins to cross my mind I instantly realize that any attempt would only be over sensationalizing simple perfection. I feel guilty for even considering it. The BLT should always remain bacon, lettuce tomato, on simple bread with mayonnaise.