If you are reading The Salty
Dog's Blog, I am assuming you are a kindred spirit who shares my passion for
salt. You and I both know that a good salt simply makes everything taste better.
Yet despite its superb ability to transform food by drawing out flavor and adding texture, many people avoid it for health reasons. Now understand, I don’t write this to discount a doctor’s advice, but salt isn’t all bad, and few people know some of the health benefits that salt offers.
Peruvian Pink Salt, for example, is often only recognized for its high quality flavor and lovely subtle pink color. However, the benefits of Peruvian Pink extend beyond just being easy on the eyes and palate. For example, it is high in trace minerals such as iron, which is useful for those who are anemic. It is also known to help with those suffering from muscular and arthritic pain, reduce infection, and renew cells.
As the name implies, this salt is imported from Peru
Peruvian Pink is a perfect all-purpose salt that can be used on anything and everything. Enjoy its pale pink color and hearty crunch - and of course its health benefits!
Wow - those salt ponds are beautiful. Who knew thats where it originates from!
Posted by: foodie | July 22, 2008 at 12:12 PM
Thanks for the health tips - most people only ever address sodium concerns with salt... but isn't it true that sea salt has lower sodium?? Anyway, the other health benefits are useful to know. I am going to get me some Peruvian pink.
Posted by: saltyourface | July 22, 2008 at 12:14 PM